Acara ini akan mengupayakan tiga hasil utama: (i) untuk mengakhiri perilaku industri Farmasi Besar dan pengambilan keuntungan berlebih yang dilakukan oleh korporasi dalam merespon pandemi; (ii) meminta untuk dikeluarkannya otorisasi untuk produksi internasional dan pengiriman teknologi kesehatan Covid melalui persetujuan proposal Pengabaian TRIPS (TRIPS Waiver) di WTO; (iii) mengajak publik luas untuk mendukung traktat mengikat terkait dengan tanggung jawab korporasi multinasional dengan memberikan panduan yang lebih spesifik tentang bagaimana terlibat dalam isu-isu ini di masa depan. Dengan ini, kami berharap para peserta akan mendapatkan kekuatan baru dalam merebut hak atas kesehatan, baik lokal maupun internasional.
Rachmi Hertanti (Global Justice/Indonesia) – Perilaku dan ketidakadilan Big Pharma dalam akses kesehatan di masa pandemi;
Harris Gleckman (UMass-Boston/USA) – COVAX: risiko hak asasi manusia untuk negara berkembang;
Indranil Mukhopadhyay (PHM/India) – Hambatan Kekayaan Intelektual dan maksimalisasi produksi internasional dan pengiriman teknologi Covid;
Manoela Roland (HOMA/Brasil) – Bagaimana perjanjian yang mengikat akan membantu menangani ketidaksetaraan yang ditimbulkan oleh perilaku Big Pharma;
Moderator: Clara Alves (ABIA/Brasil)
More than a year after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is not addressing the crises as an urgent
human rights issue. Although essential health technologies to fight the coronavirus have been developed in
record time, many countries and populations do not yet have access to them. Vaccine nationalism and
commercial self-interest have blocked meaningful access. For Big Pharma the demand for vaccines and related
medical supplies is just the latest way to expand their dominant market position irrespective of our collective
commitment to human rights.
COVAX created to streamline access to essential products for the control of the pandemic have failed to meet
their commitments. Also, various kinds of intellectual property barriers are being perpetuated, making it
impossible for the world as a whole to mobilize efforts to meet the health needs demanded by the pandemic.
The Covid-19 pandemic again emphasizes the urgent need to support the elaboration and approval of a binding
treaty to regulate transnational corporations with regard to human rights, currently under discussion in the
Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). A strong binding
convention on TNCS and HR, as proposed by public interest CSOs, will be key to guarantee human rights are
respected in corporate activities.
We, public interest CSOs, health movements, international NGOs and health experts, believe the 47th UNHRC
Session is an opportunity to yet again denounce transnational corporations behaviour in the context of the
Covid-19 pandemic and to put forward strategies to once and for all change the prevailing impunity. Therefore,
we will be holding an open event on ways out to assure the right to health is fulfilled in the context of the